Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant

Measures to fight COVID-19

COVID-19 epidemic continues to rampage. With the support of the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government, three COVID-19 Testing Days (namely 4, 10 & 17 March 2022), were organized by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the industry, aiming to achieve the goal of “early identification, early isolation and early treatment of the infected” and encourage more construction practitioners to get vaccinated. YLEPP joined the scheme and all construction workers and site personnel were arranged to undergo Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) on the above three testing days before work using the free RAT kits provided by the government and delivered by CIC.

Other anti-epidemic measures implemented are as follows:

  • Regular disinfection service by cleaning service company at least twice a week at the construction site and site office
  • Disinfection robot and machine for providing additional disinfection at site office
  • All workers and site office staff have to undergo Rapid Antigen Test on Covid-19 before work every day (using RAT kits offered by the Main Contractor Paul Y – CREC Joint Venture)
  • Allowing at most 2 workers in each container each time
  • Workers have to eat at designated areas while maintaining social distancing
  • Installation of acrylic panels as physical barriers in workers’ containers and site office
  • Provision of surgical masks and hand sanitizers for workers
  • Provision of air purifiers (30 nos.) at the site office
  • Online conferencing to minimize face-to-face contact among staff
  • Staggered lunch hours for staff
  • Implementation of “Vaccine Pass” on site and at site office from 7 March 2022 onwards