Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant

Main Works

Stage 1 works include the following principal elements:

Contract No.: DC/2019/10

  • Demolition and reconstruction of part of the existing YLSTW including inlet works, primary treatment, biological treatment and tertiary treatment facilities;
  • Demolition and reconstruction of sludge treatment facilities;
  • Demolition and reconstruction of the administration building, storage building, switchgear house and transformer house; and
  • Other ancillary works include utilities diversion, walkway, necessary building services, landscape works and local improvement works for the community such as riverside promenade and viewing decks, etc; and
  • Environmental mitigation measures include comprehensive odour control/mitigation measures such as fully-enclosing all treatment units and provision of ventilation and deodourisation system.

Contract No.: DE/2020/01

  • Provision of electrical and mechanical facilities for the Sludge Dewatering Building;
  • Installation of photovoltaic panels at Inlet Works, Primary Treatment Building, Mainstream Bioreactor Building, Sludge Dewatering Building and Sludge Thickening Building; and
  • Provision of building services including the fire services installation for the Sludge Dewatering Building and Administration Building.

Stage 2 works include the following principal elements:

Information for Stage 2 works are to be announced later.